Short ABA “Easy Learner” Videos

Functional Communication Training (FCT)

Inter-Observer Agreement (IOA)

Intro to Graphs

CMO’s-3 Types

Intro/Review of Single Subject Research Designs (SSRD)

Treatment Fidelity

In additon to leading Conduct Curb, Dr. Martin-Perryman is a professor in Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) at Ball State University In Muncie, Indiana:

“I enjoy the art of teaching and sharing my love for the field of ABA and Autism with others who are just as passionate. Wonderful things can come from passion, growth, and expertise: the type of expertise that comes with learning, application, and practice! If you are an “Easy Leaner” like me, you’ll appreciate my videos that take commone topics in ABA and breaks them down in to everyday concepts and digestable chunks for the “Easiest Learner”.

Please enjoy the presented videos! If there is a specific ABA topic that you would like explained, please contact us at and tell us your topic!

“Easy Learner” Conduct Curb Youtube Channel Coming Soon!